Sunday 19 January 2014

Dreamweaver Lesson 2

Our second lesson on Dreamweaver was to create a webpage for our favourite artiste! I chose CL from 2NE1. We had to apply everything taught from the first DW lesson, only this time, we're on our own! This was a practise for us to get used to using DW.

Just like last week, we started with Photoshop.

This is my overall web layout and home page.

About page.

Works page.

This time I included a gallery.

Black and white for buttons this time!

Had fun doing up this webpage as usual and was more used to transferring it to Dreamweaver as it is still fresh in my mind from last week.

We learnt to do up a different kind of webpage using splitscreen and worked with codes. This one seemed easier but was more challenging to me as I couldn't transfer the contents over to Dreamweaver properly.

Split screen for Dreamweaver.

This is how the finished product looks like.

I really had alot of difficulties working on Dreamweaver and really have to improve in order to come up with a good webpage design for our new CA.

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