Sunday 19 January 2014

Lesson #17

This lesson, we learnt about the Agency, client brief and creative brief.

In the Agency, there are quite a few different departments.

Strategy Planner
They come up with the consumer profile, relations with the brand and qualitative market research.

Account Team
Consists of account director, account manager and account executive.
They do the liasion with clients, supervise, admin and plan as well as deal with new businesses.

Creative Dept
Consists of the creative director, art director, copywriter, designer and studio artist.
They come up with ad ideas, art direction and copywriting.

Production Dept
Consists of the production manager, art buyer, print producer and film producer.
They turn ideas into reality, have tight deadlines and works together with the creative dept.

The necessary briefs to have are client brief and creative brief.

The Client Brief
Every project starts with a brief from the client, which clearly states the objectives of the campaign. It should give the Agency as much guidance and information as possible to arrive at the best possible solution.

The Creative Brief
This is done by the account team and strategy planning teams and is based on information given on a client brief with supplementary research. 
There are 5 criterias of creative brief:
1. Background info - brand, client, product, unique selling point, service, target audience and target market.
2. Key issues - aims and objectives, anchor to the creative team without restraining their ideas
3. Contract - formalizes specific criteria and objectives that the client and creative team both agree on.
4. Checklist - campaign's deliverables and objectives.
5. Conclusion - brief should be a framework, should not restrict the creative team's perception of the brand, product and service and gives the team enough room to explore.

Through this lesson, I had a better understanding of the roles of different departments in the Agency, as well as what a client brief contains and what a creative brief requires of from the account team and strategy planning team.

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