Saturday 18 January 2014

Lesson #6

We continued with Illustrator and learnt to draw mascots. We learnt to use basic illustration tools like the selection tool, direct selection tool and pen tools. We worked with shapes, rulers, guides and more. We attempted this by using different layers for different parts of the bodies of the lion mascot. It was initially really difficult to use Illustrator to draw the mascot, I didn't think I would do a good job of it. But as we progressed, I realised that I slowly got the hang of it and was actually having fun with it!

Note to myself is that there are certain parts of the lion that can be drawn using the shapes, instead of using the pen tool throughout. It is possible but harder to do. Using the shapes makes it easier.

We added colours to our mascot as well! I finally learnt how computer drawings are made through this software. I felt really proud of myself and there was a great sense of achievement looking at my completed drawing!

Left: Google image, right: my own drawing!

After this lesson, I was more confident and familiar in using Illustrator. Though it could be frustrating, the end product is really satisfying to look at, I guess I could say that it is the "fruit of my labour"!

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